During the 4th RESAW conference (17-18 June 2021) organised by C2DH, Tuğçe Oklay (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint Denis) was part on the roundtable related to virality and memes with Pierre-Carl Langlais (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III), Frédéric Clavert (University of Luxembourg), Ditte Laursen (The Royal Danish Library), Surbhi Tandon (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University), Durgesh Tripathi (GGS Indraprastha University).
Her presentation entitled “Following the footsteps of socio-political protests via recontextualisation of memes” is available online. She studies the phenomenon of contamination and the life cycle of memes. This theoretical and methodological approach relies on the work she is currently conducting on social movements like Occupy Wall Street (2011) or Gezi (in Turkey in 2013).