Roundtable “Influencers in Luxembourg: Digital practices and cultures”

“Authenticity.” If one keyword should summarize the roundtable «Les Influenceurs. Une plongée dans les pratiques et cultures numériques» taking place on 13 October at the University of Luxembourg, “authenticity” would be it.  The event gathered some of the more renowned influencers in Luxembourg: the model and family lifestyle influencer Natascha Bintz, the make-up artist Luca de … Continued

CfP: Book on Online Virality

The book Online Virality, edited by Valérie Schafer and Fred Pailler within the frame of the HIVI Project (, aims to focus on the many ways we may think about online virality, historicise it and analyse the circulation, reception, evolution of viral born-digital content. Virality, information circulation and content sharing always intertwine a heterogeneous arrangement of material, … Continued

Les Influenceurs. Une plongée dans les pratiques et cultures numériques

Le jeudi 13 octobre 2022 de 17.00 à 18.30, une table ronde co-organisée par la BnL et le C²DH réunira  Natascha Bintz Luca de Michele Anne Faber Ben Olinger sur le thème «Les Influenceurs. Une plongée dans les pratiques et cultures numériques». Nous aborderons avec eux leur parcours, leur ligne éditoriale, leur lien avec leur … Continued

The VIRAL seminar (season 2)

During the 2022-2023 academic year, the VIRAL seminar will continue to focus on the many ways we may think about online virality and analyse the circulation of born-digital content. The seminar will offer an interdisciplinary overview of virality, digital cultures, circulations and traces. It includes three main presentation types: analysis of corpora, methodological considerations, and … Continued

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© Université du Luxembourg 2021. All rights reserved

© Université du Luxembourg 2021. All rights reserved

© Université du Luxembourg 2021. All rights reserved