Roundtable “Influencers in Luxembourg: Digital practices and cultures”

“Authenticity.” If one keyword should summarize the roundtable «Les Influenceurs. Une plongée dans les pratiques et cultures numériques» taking place on 13 October at the University of Luxembourg, “authenticity” would be it.  The event gathered some of the more renowned influencers in Luxembourg: the model and family lifestyle influencer Natascha Bintz, the make-up artist Luca de … Continued

CfP: Book on Online Virality

The book Online Virality, edited by Valérie Schafer and Fred Pailler within the frame of the HIVI Project (, aims to focus on the many ways we may think about online virality, historicise it and analyse the circulation, reception, evolution of viral born-digital content. Virality, information circulation and content sharing always intertwine a heterogeneous arrangement of material, … Continued

Discover a Meme (4): Do the Harlem Shake!

By Jessica Pereira Creation 2012 and 2013 are interesting years for filmed memes involving music and dances. There was the “Gangnam Style”, a hit song by Psy. It inspired people to film themselves while doing the horse dance that the singer performed in his music video. “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen and “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus were viral songs too. These birthed … Continued

CfP – Les mèmes : approches sémiolinguistiques et discursives

Pise, octobre 2022 Les propositions de communication de 3000 signes, à l’exclusion de la bibliographie, sont attendues à l’adresse suivante : au plus tard le 30 juillet 2022, avec le nom, prénom et affiliation universitaire. La langue principale du colloque sera le français, mais des communications en anglais, espagnol et italien seront aussi bienvenues. L’inscription est gratuite.

Discover a Meme (3): The Disaster Girl

by Jessica Pereira Creation Zoë Roth is a name that some might be familiar with, but “Disaster Girl” is more likely to invoke a reaction. Yet they are one and the same. The meme “Disaster Girl” is a picture of a little girl smiling devilishly into the camera in front a burning house, as if … Continued

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© Université du Luxembourg 2021. All rights reserved

© Université du Luxembourg 2021. All rights reserved

© Université du Luxembourg 2021. All rights reserved