HIVI Final Conference : “Online Virality. Past, Present, Future”

18 November 2024 to 20 November 2024 The HIVI project is coming to an end after three exciting years. Its final conference on the history of online virality will take place from 18 to 20 November 2024 at the Black Box (Maison des Sciences humaines, Belval). The theme for the conference is: Past, present and future of online virality. Thanks to our … Continued

Conference Virality, platforms and influence

30 March 2023 to 31 March 2023 Black Box, Maison des Sciences humaines11, Porte des SciencesL-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette Entrée libre Within the framework of the HIVI project, related to the history of online virality and supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)  (C20/SC/14758148), this conference, organised by Fred Pailler and Valérie Schafer (C²DH, University of Luxembourg), will analyse the role that platforms and … Continued

CfP: Book on Online Virality

The book Online Virality, edited by Valérie Schafer and Fred Pailler within the frame of the HIVI Project (, aims to focus on the many ways we may think about online virality, historicise it and analyse the circulation, reception, evolution of viral born-digital content. Virality, information circulation and content sharing always intertwine a heterogeneous arrangement of material, … Continued

Défis européens partagés

Ce livre numérique est un projet collectif initié par la professeure Valérie Schafer dans le cadre du séminaire Digital Europe et mené par les étudiants de deuxième année du Master en histoire européenne contemporaine (MAHEC) de l’Université du Luxembourg. Les chapitres de cet ouvrage collectif portent sur des thématiques européennes sensibles et amplifiées en ligne, … Continued


Ken Hillis, Susanna Paasonen, Michael Petit, Networked Affect, Cambridge MA, The MIT Press, 2015. Abstract: Investigations of affective experiences that emerge in online settings that range from Facebook discussion forums to “smart” classrooms. Our encounters with websites, avatars, videos, mobile apps, discussion forums, GIFs, and nonhuman intelligent agents allow us to experience sensations of connectivity, interest, desire, … Continued

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