Influence et organisations

Vient de paraître ! “Influence et organisations : cultures, pratiques et mises en perspective”, Communication & Organisation 2021/2 (n° 60) Sous la direction de Camille Alloing, Stéphanie Yates, Benoit Cordelier Sous la direction de  Camille Alloing, Stéphanie Yates et Benoit Cordelier L’influence comme objet de recherche en sciences sociales, et en communication en particulier, mobilise de nombreuses définitions et approches, mettant en leur centre … Continued

Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image

A must-read, just out ! CRITICAL MEME READER: GLOBAL MUTATIONS OF THE VIRAL IMAGE  Edited by Chloë Arkenbout, Jack Wilson and Daniel de Zeeuw Beyond the so-called ‘Alt-right’ and its attendant milieus on 4chan and Reddit, memes have passed the post-digital threshold and entered new theoretical, practical, and geographical territories beyond the stereotypical young, white, … Continued

“The Left Can Meme”

A new exciting reading : “The Left Can Meme: Strategies to Challenge Dutch Oppressive Political Discourses” by Chloë Arkenbout, November 11, 2021 on the blog

Discover a meme (2): “Leave Britney alone!” and the #FreeBritney movement

By Jessica Pereira  Creation “She’s so lucky, she’s a star, but she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking: If there’s nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night?” – Lucky by Britney Spears.  In this song of the year 2000 Britney Spears shared her discontent with her life as a celebrity. All … Continued

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